Purdue or Rutgers

<p>What would you select, Purdue or Rutgers and why?</p>

<p>I'm not refering to a specefic field, just in general.</p>

<p>Purdue cause I really hate Rutgers. It being my state school and I got rejected in high school and this year.</p>

<p>well being from New Jersey but attending Purdue I suppose I have a good perspective of it. Purdue and Rutgers are two completely different schools. Rutgers is a spread out campus in a small sized city in New Brunswick. Purdue is a walking campus in a rural area. Really the only similarity between the two is that they are big schools. They are good for different majors, they have different types of people(a lot nicer out in Indiana.) Also Purdue is 1/3 out of state students while Rutgers only has 10% out of state students. Hopefully this helps.</p>

<p>how would you compre Purdue’s business program to Rutgers - most people seem to go to Purdue for science and engineering.</p>

<p>Purdue’s business program is superior.</p>

<p>Purdue’s business program is ranked way higher than Rutgers but Rutgers has the better location. With it’s close proximity to NYC, it’s easier to get internships I believe.</p>