Purdue University Acceptances - Class of 2025

Thanks was wondering how different this is from Fall admissions!

Don’t be disheartened!
I’m also from India and applied for CS
Had a SAT score of 1470 and was waitlisted.
On Saturday I was accepted to Georgia Tech for CS!
This shows how random the process is.
Actually i feel Purdue is pretty SAT focused
While Georgia Tech is more holistic (Just my take on the process)

see you at Gtech CS

India (CBSE)
Applied for CS
SAT 1470
Grades 10th - 94%
11th - 87%
Very good ECs
Got into UMass Amherst, UWMadison, Purdue, OSU, PSU, and UMD.
Waitlisted at Gatech, deferred UMich.

What scholarships did you get?

Hi Everyone :slight_smile: I applied to Purdue last year and remember their decision coming out at a really random time. It got it at 9:57pm on March 10th, but some of my friends got it before and after me. I recorded the times when I got all my decisions if you’re interested in other schools I applied to: (realistic) College Decision Reactions 2020!!! UC, CSU, Johns Hopkins, Boston University, & more... - YouTube

Good luck !!! :smiley:

I got a 16k scholarship at umass and a 22k scholarship from osu

Same for us. Umass 16k but already rejected

Even I got a 16k at UMass. I didn’t apply OSU. Imma consider UMass.

Any advice help ?

Yesterday got into North eastern NUIn CS + economics no scholarship 75k/year
We are from NJ closer to Boston 4 hour drive

How do you compare NEU CS + economics vs Purdue CS (no scholarship 45k/year)
Which one is worth it and better career opportunities?
Huge dilemma for us

@NJcollege2021 - Purdue has the stronger CS program. #20 vs 49 if you care about undergrad CS rankings (USNWR). Purdue while co-op optional, still has a very well developed and supported co-op program. Purdue has one of the largest career fairs in the country. Companies from all over recruit there and students do very well in the job market.

Save your $ and Boiler Up! ; )


  • A Purdue parent. :slight_smile:

For the cost differential, it seems like it’s a no brainer. $300k vs $180k. Also, West Lafayette is a lot cheaper to live in than Boston so your housing will be a lot cheaper, although transportation more, but housing and other expenses will certainly outweigh that so the cost savings is probably more than $120k. I don’t think there’s any question here really. You can still go abroad at Purdue and you can get kick ass internships at Purdue without having to do a coop.

And, unlike @momofboiler1 I don’t have any skin in the game at either school but know enough about the programs to know it’s not worth that much more. Since you mentioned economics, I’ll just say this. It is simple economics to know where the better value is. Also, on the East Coast, Purdue is valued tremendously. I think to some degree even more so than here in the midwest where it’s a feeder school for many (my son’s issue with it right now).



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I’d recommend Purdue CS if they were the same price. Purdue has an outstanding national reputation. It is also a fun place to attend with a great alumni network.

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NU pros - interdisciplinary focus, large city environment, co-op opportunities, easier to switch majors. Did you request the NUin first semester opportunity or it was assigned to you by Admissions?

Purdue pros - strong CS reputation and cost, cost, cost!

While lots of people like NU’s co-op emphasis, I question whether it’s worth the extra bucks to go there even if the co-op earnings somewhat offset five to six years’ worth of tuition+costs in an expensive city. Reason being you’re foregoing one to two years worth of full wage and benefits if you can graduate in 4 years vs. graduating in 5 - 6 years. Yes co-ops help to build network and experience, but you can do that with summer internships and jobs. CS students are highly sought after so I would not worry about full-time job opportunities upon graduation.

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can anyone offer insight on -
purdue pharmacy vs uci pharmaceutical sciences vs northeastern pharmaceutical sciences?

i got a 16k scholarship/honors college at purdue; i am in-state for irvine; received a small scholarship for NU too

thank you!

Thanks everyone for suggestions and advice @momofboiler1 @srparent15 @edragonfly

Yep, we were totally set our mind on Purdue since the Jan-15th acceptance, totally Purdue is high ranked and famous nationwide. There are a bunch of friends kids and folks around who go to NEU a lot so there is some peer pressure here on how it’s pursued, yes 120k extra is quite steep heard not sure will they make enough on Coops to pay even 1 year worth of fees?

Yes he did pick NUin, like to be considered as he is quite interested in traveling out of the country of the semester to study abroad.

Also distance wise we live very close to NYC about 10 miles, so he has many options to come Home on Bolt/Grayhound buses from Boston to NYC on Friday night and go back on Sunday evening

About 30% of Purdue students co-op so it’s still an option for your son if he choose Purdue, it’s just not required. Check out the website for Purdue’s Office of Professional Practice. It has the information about average salaries for co-ops.

I’ll send you a PM about my D’s co-op experience as well.

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Close to home is definitely a big intangible benefit…good luck on the decision. It’s too bad the seniors this year would not have the chance to attend in-person admitted students events, especially when it comes down to close tiebreakers. For my older daughter, spending three days in person at two different colleges in April was tremendously helpful in making up her mind.

Thanks, but we still did not hear anything. Will check again. Congratulations for your daughter’s UIUC acceptance! That’s wonderful!

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