Purdue University EA 2025 Decisions

My OOS son was accepted into his 2nd choice major, Math, but not his 1st choice, Engineering, which is what he really wants to do. What are the chances of being able to transfer into the engineering program and if so does it add an extra year as he may have to do 1 year of math then transfer into engineering? Not really sure how that works. Thank you for any insight anyone can give.

@nysoccerdad6647 Itā€™s very difficult but not impossible. That said, if he was as admitted directly to another engineering program, most would recommend going that route.

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Son accepted into Neurobiology & Physiology BS with a full-tuition scholarship!

4.32 W and 3.99 UW (weighted is technically a 4.5 but complicated by a transfer)
Top 1% of HS Class
Lots of ECs, sports, and independent research
Full IB Diploma

In shock, he received a full-tuition offer! He is In-State and received the Trusteeā€™s Scholarship. Any other Trusteeā€™s recipients?


Not only might it add an extra year, if itā€™s a popular engineering major it may not happen at all. If you have an engineering acceptance elsewhere, Iā€™d take that over the uncertainty at Purdue.

Thank you for the responses. He did get accepted directly into the engineering program on the main campus at Penn State so will most likely go that direction depending on response from Virginia Tech.


Wow, Congratulations!! Fantastic!!

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Both great programs! Congratulations.

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where do u see merit is it in the letter?

Does anyone know what the historical OOS acceptance rate is for the engineering program?

DS applied to CS at Main campus and did not get in, they have offered general admissions to Poly and Fort Wayne and regional campuses, out of which we believe Poly is the only one worth pursuing as OOS. Can anyone offer insights into this?

He is waiting for CS decisions from other schools, including Penn state, Pitt, and VA tech (in-state). I guess if CS admission to any of these places are better than going to Purdue Poly for OOS?

Yes, if your son gets into CS at PSU, Pitt of VT, take one of those offers. A polytech degree is not the same as a CS degree and itā€™s very difficult to transfer into CS if you donā€™t start in the program.


No, they wonā€™t immediately change an admissions decision that was just made. CODO into CS is extremely difficult.

And Computer Engineering Technology is neither of these. Computer Engineering is in the College of Engineering, Computer Science is in the College of Science, and Computer Engineering Technology is in the Purdue Polytechnic Institute.

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Iā€™ll confirm the advice mentioned earlier - CODO into CS or FYE is extremely challenging (FYE was left off the CoE CODO guidelines this year, so maybe not possible?). If you were admitted into Engineering or CS at another quality school, that might be a better choice.

The description above of Polytechic degrees is accurate. This is a decent overview, linked from a Purdue "Whatā€™s the Difference Between Engineering and Engineering Technology? FAQ

Both are strong programs well suited to students interested in the specific area of study. But they are different.

For what itā€™s worth, the top five employers of Purdue CS grads last year were Microsoft, Google, Salesforce, Amazon, and AWS (Amazon and AWS are reported separately - combined they would have been second highest)


This data surprises me. I thought it was much more selective and difficult to get in.

My co-worker has an engineering degree from Purdue. In his opinion, itā€™s easy to get in, but hard to stay in.

Yes, itā€™s always been an interesting semi-outlier to me. The acceptance rate is relatively high, the admissions metrics (SAT/ACT/GPA) are a decent bit lower than than the other engineering schools typically ranked in the top 10, etc. And yet they are widely respected, continually highly ranked, turning out highly skilled, very successful engineers, sought after by employers. At a lower cost of attendance than pretty much all of their direct peers.

While itā€™s difficult to accurately compare over an extended time period, the work my D is doing seems no less rigorous than what I faced at CMU, and Iā€™m jealous of the facilities to which she has access.

Theyā€™re doing something right. And have been for a while.

(They could always blast marketing material and free applications to lots of high school students, bringing in more applications, lowering acceptance rates (same kids still get in) and appear more ā€œselectiveā€. They donā€™t seem to want to bother playing that game. Which I appreciate.)


Can you elaborate more on this , how is the rigor and grading in Purdue compared ?

Also what do you mean jealous on facilities ?

Thank you for the response and perspective Rich! Ironically, small world, I also graduated from CMU!