Purdue University EA 2025 Decisions

Hello! This is a forum for those applying EA for Purdue. Ask questions and add decisions as they come in:



Good luck everyone!

When do decisions come out?

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Jan 15 at 5 pm


Typically how difficult is it to get into FYE


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EA decisions come out in just under 24 hours, at 5pm on January 15!!


This year’s whole college process is giving me a too many headaches.

Also, in just remembering when my oldest applied to Purdue, I thought decisions used to come out earlier. Am I missing something or is my memory just going?

They quit doing rolling admissions for EA several years ago, so now everything comes out on the same day for EA.

Thanks so much. I wanted to make sure I wasn’t completely losing it! :wink:

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Does anyone’s portal have the option of reply forms?
International student here … applied without aid

The same thing happened last year, seemed to be random

My D’s acceptance letter was dated October 20 (2016). They discontinued rolling admissions a couple of years ago. Which is a shame, because knowing that early made the fall semester and overall college search so much easier.

Do you think that if I have the Reply forms option then I am waitlisted or deferred?

So you seeing this already ? Where do you see Reply forms ?

Between Checklist Status and Upload docs tab

I do not see reply forms but we have 4 new tabs in our portal this morning (view decision, visit campus, next steps, letters & documents). The tabs are blank. Does anyone else see that?

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Yes, I have the same thing! If you click on either the next steps or visit campus tabs, it takes you to either the admitted students page or the page for admitted student visits, so hopefully that means something!

I also noticed that under the profile and application changes tab there is now a “change major” option too.

My portal just has view decision and your docments. Most probably rejected, cause my friend who also applied, has Next steps and view campus next to upload documentss

Purdue was one of my top choices, and after viewing the post above and comparing it with my portal, I feel mu chances are grim, which is a huge huge let down. :frowning: