Purdue University EA 2025 Decisions

Purdue does. One of my older son’s best friends that went to Wisconsin majored in CS and CE and had a lot of trouble getting an internship and then a job after graduation. Finally got 1 offer after a long search. He had top grades, and is really the nicest kid, nothing wrong with him, nothing off, peculiar, etc. No reason that should have happened, but he refused to go to UIUC and chose Wisconsin when he had other options. We live in IL and it’s known that Purdue is phenomenal for Engineering/Tech/Stem in general, Wisconsin is a FUN school, and beautiful, but nationally it just doesn’t have the same reputation and even here unless you know someone who’s going to get you in somewhere, it isn’t going to be as easy to get a job as the companies that come to Purdue to recruit regularly. The one company that is headquartered in Madison is Epic, but even they go to other schools to recruit. I’m sure they hire from Madison, but I was surprised to hear they come down to UIUC to do CS recruiting, because another one of their good friends went to work there when graduating from UIUC.

Did not get into West Lafayette, CS, OOS.

Although the letter says you still have options at the following campuses, it says they are offering general admissions, and to call these campuses to discuss majors:

Purdue Northwest (Calumet/Westville)
Fortwayne (PFW)
Purdue Poly (excluding Main campus)

Trying to figure out what this really means. I have no idea what these other campuses are, and if they are worth pursuing? anyone know anything about these options, please share.

Sorry does Purdue Computer science is good ?
Do they have top companies come for hiring or internships Google/Microsoft/Facebook/Amazon etc.) ?

This is great information. We are located in Arizona and my son was accepted into the engineering program. Reassuring to know about the strong recruiting, etc. Thanks!

Talked to my friend of mine who is doing his Phd in CS @ UW-Madison and he was of the view that Madison is way better. They even have full time google office inside the campus. So not really sure

Since you are in Arizona did you consider ASU? How does Purdue compare to ASU?

Purdue holds one of the biggest career fairs in the country. Those companies all recruit at Purdue. Check out Purdue’s Career Center’s website. https://www.cco.purdue.edu

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Accepted OOS Engineering! (Admitted to FYE but want to do EE)

3.89 UW / 4.45W GPA and 35 ACT
ECs are STEM/Entrepreneurial focused with leadership

Did not see merit scholarship in the letter

Google is not the only company in the country to work for and there are many google offices in the country. They’ve been in Madison for almost 15 years in fact, have 100+ employees now, clearly not the thousands like other locations. Point is, not every CS graduate is going to get a job at google. That’s fantastic they have an office there, we have one here too, but graduates need to be realistic about where they want to end up and most do not want to spend their lives in a small college town in the midwest. For those in PhD programs, different story, as that’s their life. They are going to do just that. Stay in college towns more than likely, hoping to teach CS at a top program ultimately. Everyone has their preferences, both are dreary locations, cold, in the boonies, hard to get to if you aren’t already in the midwest, Madison is a much prettier, albeit condense campus. Both have pluses and minuses, but ultimately it’s about fit and long term goals.

If my son only had two options to choose from and these were them, hands down, he would choose Purdue. More national recognition and ease with which to get a job down the line. I know more people that have been successful engineers and tech graduates from Purdue than from Wisconsin if they want to leave the area.

Bottom line, you have to look at both programs, talk to current kids, look at courses, see what professors background is, see what career planning is like, see what career fairs are like, etc. Whether a kid is interested in fraternity life or not and how that factors in, etc. It’s all small pieces of the big puzzle. From a program perspective they’re going to be similar, but from a career perspective that is what I’m referring to and perhaps that’s the data you may want to try to look for to see where graduates end up at each school and what companies they’re employed by.

ASU is our safety school. So is University of Arizona. He has been accepted to both and it would be a LOT more economical, but Purdue’s engineering program was rated much higher and we would like him to get the away from home experience as long as things improve with the pandemic.


Here is Purdue 2019 Comp Sci career fair companies


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Thanks I totally agree , internships and jobs one piece of end goal. Agree there is so much more in College life to figure out

Similar stats and also deferred for CS.

OOS D21 accepted today in Engineering! 4.8 Wtd, 34 ACT, 10 APs, 6 college courses, 4-year Varsity Tennis and captain Sr year, Key Club officer, SADD, etc.

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I am surprised that no merit scholarship was offered. Is this typical of Purdue or is it because they don’t offer it to CS majors? Look at those amazing credentials!

I believe the pool of applicants for CS is pretty strong and Purdue might be providing scholarships to a certain % of accepts at the top for each major. Purdue was our first college decision to come through and we are happy that my son’s college search started on a positive note :smile:

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We are thrilled also! Our first OOS acceptance letter. Good point!

OS(IL) mail
Accepted for his second choice physics, not CS.
$10K scholarship
What is the chance to switch to CS later?
Is the physics program good at Purdue?

CS is a tough major to transfer into.

If your student wants to study CS, choose a school that has admitted him for the major.

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@momofrs2021 My son is a Junior in Mechanical Engineering so perhaps I can provide some insight. Think of the programs in Purdue Poly as more application and implementation, but less theoretical than the engineering programs. While the engineers will do much of the theoretical planning and design work, Poly graduates will implement their designs. I can attest that for certain internships, my son applied alongside Poly students (mostly design based positions), while others required pursuit of an engineering degree to apply. Poly is a great college and they do well placing their students, but if your child is seeking an engineering degree, select a school where they have been admitted directly to an engineering program instead of Purdue. Transferring into FYE is quite difficult. Here is a good place to start to explore what Poly offers. The Engineering Technology Difference - Purdue Polytechnic Institute