Purdue University

@50N40W - Thank you. I will look it up.



Purdue engineering is extremely strong and we have a lot of great career fairs. Admittance is extremely competitive, Purdue engineering is a safety for no one. Financial aid is pretty limited.

I’m a senior in Civil engineering with a 3.9+/4.0 GPA. Let me know if you have any specific questions.


Is it harder to get into Purdue or get out?
When you got admitted what was your SAT/ACT score.
Are the mechanical engineering classes REALLY hard? What about aerospace engineering?
What do you recommend I do to get admitted?

It’s harder to get into Purdue (unless you’re trying to leave for MIT or something). Really, most top 10 program admissions are a bit of a crap shoot. You’re competing with people with either equal or higher qualifications than you.

I had a ~2160 when I applied ~4-5 years ago. The standards have increased significantly since then. I’ve heard the average engineering admit is between 1900-2100 on the SAT.

All college courses/majors are hard if you do it right. It’s all about you and your work ethic, not the classes. People can be smart and fail courses because they’re cocky. And engineering curriculums don’t vary too much between schools (content wise at least).



I don’t know anything about you, your background, or your qualifications. You’d have to be basically the top 16% to get an offer, and the top 10% of admitted students to get merit aid (aka, top 1.6% of applicants). If you’re applying to colleges now, it’s too late to change much.

Wow. Its incredibly hard.

What is your advice for me to improve my chances.

Parents going to pay 20k and I will pay 5k and rest has to come from financial aid.
I live in California.

Extra curriculars are good, recommendation letters are good, essay is good, GPA is 3.98(UW) and 4.2(W), SAT - 1740 and ACT - 26.

Major - Mechanical Engin

@Salutation: My daughter turned down a Purdue College of Engineering early notification offer. At the CoE recruiting event we attended when she was a Junior, the presenter said the avg. ACT composite of admitted students was 31. I followed up and asked her what was the avg ACT Composite of entering freshmen. She said 28. This reflects the fact that many top applicants to other programs do indeed, use Purdue CoE as a back up. Despite its enormous reputation, that’s just how it is. But like others have said, it’s terrible for Fin Aid for OOS applicants. That’s one of the reasons my daughter turned it down. If your parents pay $20K and you pay $5 (summer earnings, work-study job?), you’ll still be $23K short per year. Purdue will give you nothing. You can get another $5k in loans. Can you earn $17k/year in outside scholarships? If you can boost your ACT, you MIGHT get an acceptance. But Purdue is not affordable by you, whatsoever. And I don’t think UIUC is much different, Fin Aid wise too. The UCs seem most affordable to you. Nothing wrong with that!

If you’re in California, go to on of the UCs. They’re really great schools, and they’d be much more affordable for you. Just make sure that their ME programs are ABET accredited.

If you want to even be considered for Purdue, you have to improve your SAT/ACT scores. SAT should be at least around 1900. If you want to be considered for merit scholarships, your SAT should be 2100+.

I’m currently in the top 5% of my civil engineering classmates and I made an average of $14k/year in scholarships. You’re currently probably not competitive enough. It’s 100% fine to not go to Purdue. As a fellow out-of-stater who is looking back, Purdue is great, but definitely not worth paying $160k+.

As much as my family adored Purdue’s CoE, as non-IN residents, what we’ll pay for my kiddo at her college with lots of merit money will take her through her junior year – the same amount it would have cost us for one year at Purdue CoE. I don’t begrudge PU for that – it’s a fantastic resource for the state.

WOW. Purdue costs so much for OOS. 31 SAT score is crazy for an average.

Seirsly, did you apply and receive scholarships after freshman year and if so, were they university scholarships?

Freshman year you are automatically considered for many major scholarships if you apply before the November deadline.

The other years I applied through the school of Civil engineering and SWE.

I receive $10k a year from presidential scholarships, maybe an average of $500 a year from SWE, and the rest from the civil department. I’ve applied for other school wide scholarships (IR scholarship) and not earned anything. Being an out of state student does limit opportunities.

To get scholarships as an incoming freshman, you’ll want to get in by the November deadline, but then also apply separately for the smaller scholarships. That application is separate and has a February deadline. A lot of incoming freshmen miss that scholarship application, so it’s good to put your hat in the ring.

Thank you for the tip. What is the February deadline for? Is it the scholarships that Purdue provides, or is it separate?

The February deadline is for the smaller Purdue department scholarships (so things other than trustees, presidential, marquis, 21st century scholar, etc.) Even though they are usually in the $500 to $2000 range, they add up.

@T26E4 Where did your D end up going?


I got deferred about a month ago from Purdue and they asked for my 7th semester grades…My counsellor put it up yesterday and today I checked again the application and it says “Decision Made” and the decision is “OFFER ADMISSION” I still havent received any email or letter though. Does anyone know if this means I get accepted?? Please I’m super frustrated right now and nervous!!!

Admission Term: Fall 2016
Admission Type: New First Time
Application Status: Decision Made
Decision: Offer Admission



@Salutation THANK YOU!!! I CANT BELIEVE IT!!! Btw do you know when you get the official email and whether they send notifications during weekend? Thanks a lot btw!!!

@MasterOfDecept - No problem :slight_smile: And I don’t know, as I am applying as well to Purdue. My applications still says “in process.”