Rate me pls. Tell me my chances honestly, but not too harshly. ^_^

3.86/4.0 Weighted
4.66/5.0 Unweighted


11 Years of classical singing-won 5 at district performances
5 Years of playing the guitar(electric and acoustic)

President of Astronomy Club
Vice-president of Music Composition Club
National Honor Society with about 30 extra volunteer hours

OSHA(10-hour course regarding mechanical engineering safety)
HTML and CSS certification
Experience with using ADQL(modified SQL for satellite data)

Major of Application: Aerospace Engineering

Notes: I have taken a lot of AP courses but I did not do well in many of them, except for a few, a bunch of the averages are in the mid to low B’s while Physics 2, AB Calculus are low to mid A’s. I feel that this is the most hindering of my entire college application portfolio.
I am going to apply to Purdue this year as Early Action.

So, knowing this, what are my chances of getting into Purdue Aerospace?

Purdue admits to a common first year engineering program. The transition to an aero major (or any engineering major) would happen at the conclusion of freshman year. The process primarily looks at your GPA for your engineering and STEM courses. You can find more information from Purdue if you search for “transition to major”.

If you are a junior, be sure to meet the EA deadline. Purdue fills most of it’s class in EA. If you are a senior and applied RD, that unfortunately reduces your chances.

Good luck to you.

Thanks so much for your fast reply. If I included two more details, that I am an Indian male for OOS Texas, what would you say my probability of admission would be?

Take a look at


Unfortunately, I don’t see a breakdown by admissions round. The yield for OOS FYE is low (18%) so they have to admit a lot of OOS FYE applicants (65%) to reach their enrollment targets. This means a lot of OOS FYE applicants are using Purdue as a safety school. I do not see any data on EA versus RD though. You would think that in this situation, they would definitely favor EA applicants since they are issuing so many admits.

In terms of metrics, you compare favorably with recent FYE admit classes (3.79, 1414}. EC, essays, etc., obviously impact admissions decisions, but from a grades/testing standpoint, you are in a good place. It’s not a safety school, but it’s a solid match with a decent acceptance rate.

Applying at the early deadline is a good plan.

Just out of curiosity - how is your weighted GPA calculated? With required gym/health/etc. classes non-weighted, and Honors classes weighted at .5, it’s near impossible to have a WGPA that’s 0.8 higher midway through junior year.

I’m not actually sure…I will find out though. The above statistics are just what shows in my school’s naviance. If I know anything, UW GPA at our school consists of any class even if is not a core class, like AP Art History for example. We still earn 5.0 GPA for that, if we max the class, but it goes towards UW GPA. I don’t know if this is correct, I will definitely ask my counselor and let you know soon. And thanks for the reply!

Purdue’s OOS FYE yield may be low due to the scarcity of OOS merit for engineers and Comp Sci majors. Purdue awards merit on a holistic basis AND spreads the merit across all colleges (e.g. Education, Healthy & Science). I know many bright students from my son’s Ohio school that loved Purdue, but chose OSU instead due to lower costs.

I suspect it’s also a very popular “safety” application for a lot of the other T10-ranked engineering schools.