Purdue vs OSU

Which school is better?
Can you tell me which one is better based on the questions below?
1.National Reputation
2. International Reputation
3. Engineering Reputation
4. Quality of Life
5. Your Choice

I’m bias but I’ll give my thoughts. First, you’ll get an excellent education at either university. For any major outside of engineering, I would give OSU the nod, it has excellent medical facilities and a huge alumni base. For engineering I feel Purdue has the stronger reputation both nationally and internationally. As for quality of life that’s more of a personal decision. OSU is in a fairly large city and feels very big. Athletics are very important but you will never lack for things to do. Purdue is in what is very much a college town although not as pretty or robust as say Madison , Bloomington or Ann Arbor but is a pretty traditional feeling campus even though it is a large university. Engineering is HUGE at Purdue with some 25-30% of the freshman class being FYE students. That gets whittled down after the first year. Engineering makes up a very large portion of the main campus. Purdue also has a very large international population. Finally, our D chose Purdue and is glad she did.