Purdue vs USC

<p>overall, what do you think is better? and why?:P thanks</p>

<p>For engineering, business, or just “overall”? If just evaluating the schools as a whole, USC is superior and it isn’t even close. An argument can be made for Purdue in the two listed specialties, particularly if USC is not providing much financial assistance.</p>

<p>[I assume you mean Southern Cal, not South Carolina]</p>

<p>the news week rankings suggest that purdue isnt that much lower than SC (like maybe 7 spots)</p>

<p>USC is a bit overrated but it is still a bit better than Purdue.</p>

<p>I’d have to agree with lfe. </p>

<p>USC is a bit overrated but probably better than Purdue, Purdue probably has a little better more international rep.</p>

<p>“the news week rankings suggest that purdue isnt that much lower than SC (like maybe 7 spots)”</p>

<p>USC: #27
Purdue: #66-#70</p>

<p>USC is not overrated, if anything is underrated. Unless you attend it, you have no authority to judge it.</p>

<p>true that btp. if you don’t go to usc, then you have no bearing to make the assertion that it’s overrated. I’d agree with btp again and say its even underrated, but it’s ok, because we’re climbing up the academic ladder. 2008, we were more selective than UCLA which means in a year or two we’ll probably be one spot above UCLA on the usnews best colleges</p>

<p>What’s with the obsession over being ranked higher than UCLA by USC people? You guys have improved your student stats but your ranking position hasn’t moved for the past couple years. USC needs to improve their academic program reputation (i.e. peer assessment) to move up in the rankings.</p>

<p>USC is underrated because of its location. If it were in a different location, it would be compared to Stanfurrd! :D</p>

<p>to bp:</p>

<p>i never judged USC i was merely asking a question</p>

<p>I think you guys don’t understand, the fact that it’s selective doesn’t make it better in terms of academics. In terms of research and reputation USC is not even in the same league as UCLA, and Purdue has some internationally recognized programs. Californians tend to think much more highly of USC than others, this doesn’t mean it’s a bad school, it’s overrated. If you made your decision to attend a school based on the USNews rankings then there wouldn’t be a need for the CC forum.</p>

<p>Meh, USC is like the California equivalent of NYU, schools hyped up and overrated by OC watching teenagers who want to live it up in “OMG SoCaL bAtCh!!”</p>

<p>Sure, Purdue gets screwed over by USNews every year, but it’s a very solid school, and their engineering programs wins the school respect on par with schools like CMU, Michigan and UCLA in scientific research and development.</p>

<p>"Meh, USC is like the California equivalent of NYU, schools hyped up and overrated by OC watching teenagers who want to live it up in “OMG SoCaL bAtCh!!”</p>

<p>Yeah, you REALLY know what kind of students go there.</p>

<p>Yeah, I do.</p>


I live in Newport and it’s not entirely like that. It’s a totally different life style. Depends what you’re in for. Sometimes I feel like I want to live by the beach and party all night long over here, while other times I can just picture myself somewhere secluded and away from the madness and drama the “The OC” delivers.
Edit: All the rich execs around here went to USC…and for me it’s a good thing so when I date their daughters, I’ll get a nice hook up at their firm =] Plus, how could you not want to go to USC after seeing every nice car around here with USC Alumni Tags on haha.</p>

<p>back to the original question
my personal opinion is that there is no question that USC is a different caliber of school than Purdue. USC definitely has name recognition around the world and it has come from its sports programs and that has permeated into its academics now too. they are able to get good proffs because of the good rep and just in general the average scores for USC is pretty high now adays. higher than purdue
then again…just my opinion</p>



<p>Point proven, thanks guy from “So♠Cal.”</p>



<p>That is the most ridiculous statement of the year. How does recognition for sports permeate into academics? Last time I checked world-renowned professors don’t go to schools that have good football teams, they go to schools that have the top research programs in their respective field. Purdue draws world-famous professors into its engineering department which consists of multiple programs; what is ONE field that USC is actually famous for? Uh, football?</p>

<p>USC has very little “world” recognition. Purdue usually ranks in the 70s for world rankings, USC in the 120s. Neither school is Harvard nor Stanford, but Purdue at least has a specialized top program in the nation, USC has no such thing. USC is by no means a different caliber school than Purdue; if it is, then it’s USC that is of lower caliber if you ask me.</p>



<p>academic field.</p>

<p>Marshall has a pretty good name</p>