Purdue vs UW

<p>Just curious I'm planning on studying engineering and business in college and I am trying to decide between UW and Purdue. Any suggestions or information reguarding these two schools and how they compare?</p>

<p>42 views and no replies?? somebody must know something lol</p>

<p>Not entirely certain about the actual rankings. I once had the new 2007 grad US new rankings on a Chinese website.</p>

<p>It depends on what engineering you're majoring because that might vary.</p>

<p>All I know is that UW-Mad's business programs aren't that great (at least not as good as it's sciences). But UW-Mad will provide a better overall undergrad experience.</p>

<p>I think the OP is asking about University of Washington vs. purdue</p>

<p>If you are in-state purdue is a great choice, otherwise stay away.</p>

<p>ya I was asking about the University of Washington</p>