Pursuing a career as a registered dietitian - where to intern ?

I am currently a junior seeking advice as to where to intern over the summer. I have a few questions because this is my first time interning so all help would be greatly appreciated.

My biggest concern is finding an internship out of state because I am hoping to use this opportunity as a means of finding myself a future employer in the field. I am most interested in California, Georgia, and Florida but would consider elsewhere. Are my chances slim because I am from out of state? I am willing to relocate but am curious to know if many companies provide traveling and living expenses or at the very least provide help in finding a place to stay for the summer.

I have very little experience in the field (none apart from taking classes at my university) and was wondering if there is anything I can do between now and this summer that could increase my chances of landing an internship.

I am hoping to use this thread and forum as a networking tool to help find myself an internship and possibly a career one day so again, any advice or listings you may be aware of are highly appreciated.

Have you tried contacting alumni for advice?
Have you tried searching linkedin for “nutrition technician” ?