Q Dropping two classes?

I am a sophomore geology major at a&m, and I am taking calculus 251 (calc 3) and physics 218 (mechanics) this semester. The thing is that my teachers are GOD AWFUL. They don’t teach and their tests are insane and literally the questions don’t even make any sense. Anyone that has taken engineering classes at a&m will understand how hard it is, but this is even worse. I’ve done absolutely terribly on the first few tests and I’m extremely worried that I might have to drop both classes because I don’t want a D, let alone a C. I’m usually a good student and have had a 4.0 gpa up to this point and I don’t know what to do. Does it look really bad on your transcript to drop two classes in one semester? i’m taking 15 hours so I would only have 8 left if i dropped both. Thanks

I’m taking phys 218 right now, I can confirm this class is hell. Doesn’t help that 9 out of 10 people in this class have already taken AP physics C (and mostly gotten 5’s) and have absolutely destroyed this year’s curve. /rage

Applerocks155 – You have a tough load and my heart goes out to you! This happens all the time, especially with Physics classes and I think your transcript will ok, even with Q drops. For example, when you interview at the career fair, you will bring only your resume to start and that doesn’t have any Q drops on it. Both my daughters only sent transcripts a long way into the interview process. But my thoughts would be to talk to your advisor about the ramifications of being a part-time student if you drop both classes (ie. scholarships.) Because of these situations, lots of people end up taking Phys 218 or Physics 208 in the summer when you can tackle it alone. There are many ways to tackle the problem but I am so sorry you have the bad teachers! It always seems so unfair!

Go talk to the professors FIRST. See what their assessment is of your situation, they will usually be honest with you - ask if Q drop is your best choice. If one class is a better prospect than the other, you might consider Q drop one course and double your efforts on the other course. There are tutors (both free and paid) that might help your situation and you’ll discover even the top students are sometimes in those tutoring courses ( many students don’t realize that). Getting an A with a tutor is just easier than going it alone and if you have a teacher that you can’t learn well from, a tutor would be a good option. Some professors use different scales for grading, and might change when giving final grades. I’d try to keep one of the two courses so you are a full time student - under 12 units makes you part-time which has consequences if you have Financial Aid or scholarships. One C won’t kill your GPA that much, in fact you can still graduate with highest honors (summa cum laude is 3.9-4.0 ) and honors for your diploma starts at 3.5, so you have even more wiggle room. Hope things get better for you!

It is hard to understand how you are earning D grades in Calc III if you earned A grades in Calc I and II. Also, do you need Physics 218 to major in Geology? I agree with AGmomx2, talk to the professors and find out if they curve the final grade etc. Also tutoring could be helpful.

As far as looking bad is concerned, it would depend on who you are trying to impress. Are you planning on attending Law, Medical, Business or Graduate school in Geology? Are you thinking of switching to engineering or looking to find work as a geologist after completing your undergrad?

Yes I am planning on going to graduate school either in geology, geophysics, or engineering so this is why I’m concerned

Exactly! This is why I’m so worried because they usually curve the final grades a lot, but since the test averages are higher this semester because of those ap high school kids the curve definitely won’t be as high

I myself was very highly ranked in high school, and I struggle to barely even meet the average on the physics tests at this university to the point that I don’t have a life outside of studying just trying to catch up with all these curve breaking *&^#$%. The grades I have been receiving really have been demoralizing to me to the point of considering a Q-drop for physics, but the thought of repeating this class is absolutely inconceivable, I just want to pass. Unless you’re sure you will fail physics, I would stick it out since you have already endured so much from these horrible physics professors, and even if you retake it, these professors come up with the most insane tests to ensure you fail no matter what semester or how much you know and/or study. On the other hand, you could drop it and take it at a CC, but I don’t know if it puts you behind your degree plan. Can’t say much about calc, don’t know if its your professor that sucks or the whole department.

Well, Electricity and Differential Equations aren’t going to get easier.

My advice is, if you can Q drop Physics and earn at least a B in Calc III, change majors and study something mathy such as Economics, business or statistics etc. In which case nobody is going to care whether you Q dropped Physics. My son did something similar although, if I recall correctly, he was looking at a B or better after his midterms in Physics 218.

if you don’t think a B in math or Physics is in the cards, then Q drop both and find a social science, such as psychology, political science and sociology or humanities … subjects that aren’t too math intensive nor require physics. Also, if you did well in Chemistry, you could look to pre med or something in the field of healthcare. None of them will probably care about a W in Calc III and Physics 218.

Otherwise, Q drop both and change colleges. Attend a college where the students don’t have as many 5s in AP Physics.

My point is, college is about finding what you enjoy and can do well. So, don’t get hung up on a major and find what you enjoy and are good at.