q's about undergraduate and graduate programs

<p>q's about undergraduate and graduate programs </p>

<p>Good day to you parents!</p>

<p>is there a BUSINESS undergraduate program @ stanford?</p>

<p>how competitive is to get accepted to Stanford MBA/ graduate business program?</p>

<p>do they check what you did (grades, leadership potential, etc) during your undergraduate time?</p>

<p>is it an advantage if you are an undergraduate from the school applying to their graduate program?</p>

<p>sorry if it's ambiguous. </p>

<p>PS i already posted this somewhere else.</p>

is there a BUSINESS undergraduate program @ stanford?


<p>You can find out the answers to these types of questions by clicking the Academics or Academic Program links at any school's website.</p>

<p>For example, click the Academic Programs link from Stanford's homepage to take you to this page which answers your question in the first paragraph:</p>

<p><a href="http://www.stanford.edu/home/academics/%5B/url%5D"&gt;http://www.stanford.edu/home/academics/&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>Note to this year's applicants: You guys grew up with the Internet. Finding information is not that hard. Seems odd to ask old-fogeys from the "walk fifteen miles uphill in the snow" generation to do your Googling.</p>

<p>No undergrad B program at Stanford. Graduate B school is hardest to get into in the Country as it is half the dsize of Harvard and other top schools. They care very much what you do in college. And how you do on LSATs. Probably most important is the job you have for 4-5 years between undergrad and B school Going to a great college helps set you up for that.</p>

<p>Suze-- you take GMAT's for Bschool, not LSAT's...:)</p>

<p>Most top tier B schools do not offer an undergrad degree in biz....some exceptions being Wharton, MIT, Haas, NYU. In general, grad schools prefer you go somewhere else, particularly if you majored in their school as an undergrad, with UNCC being an example of an exception.</p>

<p>Undergrad grades and EC's do count for biz school, but as suze noted, your work experience is much more important.</p>

<p>work experience? so then does it need to strongly relate to business, such as a hotel clerk or something?</p>

<p>and how do they check if you have good leadership potential?</p>


<p>You seem to be putting the cart before the horse. At this time your energies should first be focused on getting into an undergrad program. 4 years later you may find that want to do something completely different.</p>


<p>sybbie is correct. But, to answer your question, being a hotel "clerk" would only help if you wanted to go to one of the hotel schools, such as that at Cornell. Top B-schools accept students with 5-7 years of increasingly responsible work experience....which is usually a management-type position, but could be purely analytical if applying to a Finance program. Nevertheless, clerk it is not. LOL</p>

Stanford is known for only taking the brightest students, rising stars/ future CEO's, etc, etc into their business program. It is just about the most competative program in the US. If you have the talent/ smarts i.e top SAT's, grades etc in HS and College, and can then show you are a rising star post grad., then you may have a chance to get into Stanford. Sorry for the cold shower, but thought you should know.</p>

<p>never thought it was like that. ok then thank you all, maybe you guys are right. i still have time to think about that. i should better just start closing this thread. thank you all.</p>