Qualifying for AIME

How much will it help my application for applying as an astronomy major if I qualified for AIME?

Depends where you’d apply…

Mit for example.

Well - I will let someone else answer but a thread a few years ago said it can help but is not an assurance.

But the bigger issue is, MIT doesn’t offer an astronomy major, just minor - so please ensure you apply to the right schools for you.

Yes, they have physics and earth, atmospheric, and planetary sciences - and maybe you are planning one of those.

Apply and see - but you’d have to have an entire portfolio of course and not just a test.

But at other schools - tops in the major, like an Arizona or Colorado, I’m assuming it won’t matter much but if you’re a contender for MIT, those would be safe.

Good luck.

The 10 Best Astrophysics and Astronomy Schools in the US - collegegazette.com

MIT does not admit by major, and yes, they highly value AIME scores.

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