Quarter System?

Transitioning from a semester system, how is the quarter system like?
Is it more stressful?
I want to know how it’s like academic wise and social life wise.

You need to hit the ground running. Depending upon the class, three weeks in, you are sitting for your first set of Mid-terms so keep on top of your reading/homework/projects etc…
No procrastinating is the key.

Social life will probably depend mostly on your major - oh and work habits of course.

I spent 3 years on semesters before transferring in and, yes, you really need to hit the ground running. I’m the polar opposite of a procrastinator and I still found the transition somewhat challenging. But again, depends on your major… my first quarter I was stuck with differential equations, modern physics and electric circuits - so the midterms came quickly and seemed to continue until finals week.

Bottom line, just don’t get lazy… Good luck!