<p>So, I am still a junior in high school but am already heavily considering applying for the Questbridge scholarship program. I was wondering, however, how beneficial it really is. My unrealistic dream school is Brown, and with earnings of <60,000, if I were to get into said school, my tuition would be payed for regardless of whether the acceptance came through Questbridge or not. If I were to apply, the only two schools I would list for the College Match would be Brown and Columbia; while I also like Northwestern, I am not sure if I would want to be bound to attend. With such a short list, I don't think I would get into the program in the first place, but I might consider listing the four non-binding schools after just to make it lengthier.</p>
<p>How does Questbridge benefit someone who's earnings would land them with a full ride to any of the ivies regardless?</p>
<p>For example, does being a Questbridge finalist amp up your resume?</p>
<p>I’m not an expert on QuestBridge, but I’ve heard from loads of people that being a QuestBridge Finalist looks very good on an application. If I were you, I would definitely try out for it, even if you were only to rank two schools. I mean, it’s a shot at a free ride, and it’s early decision. If you’re sure you’d want to attend Brown and Columbia, what do you have to lose? :)</p>
<p>Actually, my favorite part about the QuestBridge program is that if you’re accepted as a finalist, your application fees are all waived. ;)</p>
<p>Ooh, fee waivers. I’m in ;)</p>
<p>Do you think listing only two schools would hurt me in their process of choosing finalists?</p>
<p>I don’t think it’d ever “hurt” your in chances of getting in. My friend and I are both finalists this year… and she ranked two colleges while I ranked eight. I would think it might limit your options (because now you only have two chances of getting a full ride instead of eight), but it wouldn’t “hurt” your chances of admissions. Good luck!</p>
<p>Also, if you’re a finalist and don’t get matched, you can always forward your QB app to any of the partner colleges, and most of the fees are waived (<strong>for finalists</strong>).</p>
<p>The individual colleges aren’t even told how many colleges you ranked, or what number you ranked them as. The entire ranking process only affects you personally.</p>
<p>^ I never assumed the individual colleges see any part of the ranking process. I only considered that maybe the Questbridge program wouldn’t want to accept an applicant with such lowered chances of getting in (seeing as there’d only be two schools on the list, both of which are highly selective.)</p>
<p>Ah, I see, I completely misread the question. ): Sorry!</p>
<p>If you honestly think it would hurt your chances, you could possibly rank four to eight colleges for the first ranking (due mid-October) and change it back to two after you’ve been accepted (by mid-November).</p>
<p>@itsonmars… I wish I would have thought of that idea for S when he was ranking… you can always take away, but you can never add.</p>
<p>@raining… I don’t think QB looks at what schools you ranked, as the ranking was actually due after the application, so that is a different part of the process/application.</p>
<p>Oh, that clears things up a bit. Thank you!</p>
<p>Technically, it’s due in the period after you turn in your application and before your finalist status is announced. It /probably/ isn’t taken into consideration, though.</p>
<p>After some more consideration, I’ve decided Northwestern is the school I’d like to attend, though I admit this is subject to change.</p>
<p>This brings up a new question, would I be better off applying through questbridge instead of early decision, which had a 40% acceptance rate this year? Or would this compromise the aid I receive? To repeat, my family’s annual income is well below $60,000.</p>
<p>That’s a question you need to ask northwestern. They should be able to give a much more reliable answer than any of us. I can ensure you that just ranking two schools will not affect your chances of being selected as a finalist. I only ranked two schools 
Good luck with Northwestern. It’s a great school!</p>