QuestBridge Question!

<p>I'm planning on applying for the QuestBridge Scholarship next year, but I think I might have a problem. The application requires scores for the SAT Subject Tests, but I'm not going to take those until June. Will this be a problem? Please help, I'm stressing out over here!</p>


<p>June testing is absolutely fine, in fact probably a good time if you are taking them immediately after you have taken the class. The early June testing date is when my DD took them. Good luck on QB, it is a wonderful program! Just make sure to check out the requirements of the partner colleges, 2 or 3 tests, and some require certain tests based on your intended major.</p>

<p>Thanks for the quick reply! So, I won't matter if I leave the spaces blank and I inform them of the time I'm scheduled to take them?</p>

<p>Olive, if you are applying for the College match, the application deadline is not until Sept. 30th, your scores will be back way before then.</p>

<p>Olive tree if you are a Junior right now then I suggest you participate in the Questbridge College Prep program (opens up in Feb 2008)</p>

<p>QuestBridge</a> College Prep Scholarship - Overview</p>

<p>yea, but if you leave them blank and tell them you'll send it later, it's all good....</p>

<p>Yes, I am going to apply to the College Prep one. That's the one I was talking about. Thanks for the advice, everyone!</p>