Question about AP US test

<p>When you get your SAT report, you can also see online scans of your essay. I personally love this feature. It isn't possible to see my AP US History essays as well, is it?</p>

<p>Nope. For your AP exam you don’t get anything but your score.</p>

<p>I believe you can get your FRQ booklet back for a fee. Not your actual essays though, so no.</p>

<p>I think your teacher get the essays. My APUSH teacher got of all the essays back by September of the same year I took the test. I got to look at mine but he wanted to keep them for awhile and then I forgot to ask for it back before I graduated high school. :(</p>

<p>are you sure? what i heard was that nobody receives anything except for the grades.</p>

<p>They shouldn’t have the actual essays, but they should give you back the question booklet.</p>

<p>I think what you can buy is your essay without any comments/scoring. Not sure though.</p>

<p>You and your teacher can’t get back your essays (graded or ungraded) even for a fee. All you get is your score and your teacher may give you back your essay booklet.</p>

<p>Yeah, I think you can buy the actual essays back for a fee. I don’t know if my teacher bought them or what (because that would have been a LOT of essays to pay for), but he had them for sure. And I swear, those were the full essays I saw, not the scribbles I had made on the question booklet. And yes, the essays were completely unmarked. I think your AP bar code booklet has some information about purchasing them before a certain date…</p>

<p>agent, if you don’t know what your talking about, don’t say it. You can buy your essay for a fee, w/o and comments.</p>

<p>My teacher got EVERYONE’s essays and she has 100+ students. (DBQ and the short answer ones)
No way she would buy all of them??
She had them by September and she was reading everyones! She even commented on one of my essays…hahah
And she gets them every year…so does my chem teacher. </p>

<p>So I think they give them to the teachers!</p>

<p>They do not give them to the teachers</p>

<p>^Seriously? Because I promise you my teacher has all of them. She even showed us some old student essays…straight out of the booklet.</p>