Question about B-Ranks: Gtown, BU, UW, and UMN

<p>I have a question regarding the Undergrad rankings in the 2008 Businessweek rankings of the following schools that I applied/accepted to: Georgetown, Boston U, UW-Madison, and University of Minnesota.</p>

<p>According to the rankings Georgetown (19th ish)>UW-Madison(37th)>Boston U(46th ish)>Minnesota(48). </p>

<p>My question is are these differences in rankings HUGE? Is Minnesota that much worse than Georgetown and vice versa? Should I even consider rank in my college selection if all of these schools are top 50 for undergrad business?</p>

<p>I have reasons for liking each school, but I'm unsure whether or not there is a large "quality gap" between my choices. Any reply/opinion would be great.</p>


<p>In terms of rankings, this is not really a big difference at all. In terms of superficial “prestige”, Georgetown may a have a little more than the others, but you will receive a great education at any of these places. Good Luck, wherever you end up! :)</p>

<p>Georgetown is the most prestigious Catholic university in the United States, next to Notre Dame.</p>

<p>It’s not a negligible amount of prestige we’re talking about here.</p>

<p>The Businessweek rankings are crapulous.</p>

<p>Anymore input?</p>

<p>I’d say the business programs and the faculty at those 4 universities would be quite similar in quality. The numerical rankings are based on certain quantitative criteria that often exaggerate the differences among the four.</p>

<p>don’t pick a school just because it is ranked 2 spots higher than a school you truly love, rankings are just there so you get a good idea, there isn’t that HUGE of a difference between a school ranked #5 and #7 but there is between a school ranked #6 and #100</p>