Question about Facebook

<p>Ok, I really want a Facebook, but I've been hearing that it could "jeopardize" my chances of getting into colleges. Is this true? I don't do drugs or anything bad, so there's nothing that I would post on my profile that is "threatening" but I really don't want to hurt my chances of getting into college.</p>

<p>Thanks in advance for your help/advice.</p>

<p>Turn your privacy settings all the way up and/or use a fake or incomplete name (“[First name] [Last initial]” or “[First name] [Middle name]” for example), if you’re worried.</p>

<p>Yeah I’ve heard about colleges looking at people’s MySpaces/FaceBooks nowadays, but if you’re a good kid, you shouldn’t have to worry, but still take some actions to keep your chances safe. For me, I don’t drink/smoke/do drugs nor have any racy pics of me up there, but I still put myself as unsearchable (which you can probably find out on your own through the Settings.) So if my name was John Doe and they searched for me, I wouldn’t show up in the results list.</p>

<p>I’m definitely for the First Name/Last Initial approach too, but FaceBook requires a full last name now :&lt;/p>

<p>I hate unsearchable people. Unless there’s something somewhat incriminating on there, it’s just annoying to others.</p>



<p>QFE. Just turn your privacy up and make sure you get rid of anything “incriminating.”</p>

<p>no…unless if you’re caught doing something inappropriate…</p>

<p>Having a Facebook won’t jeopardize anything, just adjust your privacy settings if you’re worried.</p>

<p>i just changed my name so colleges can’t find me!

<p>Just don’t be the idiot who has tagged pictures of yourself drinking and wall posts about how smashed you and your friends were last night. I have a FB but I don’t go out and get drunk or anything like that, so, no worries.</p>

<p>You also want to be careful when people are taking pictures at parties or whatever. Even if you’re not doing anything bad, the pictures often make it look like you are. Never underestimate girls with cameras.</p>

<p>Or, why not change your Facebook About Me to: “If you are an <insert dream=”" school=“” here=“”> Admissions Officer, I’ve been hopelessly in love with your school for years now and would love nothing more than to go there!" And instead of a display pic put up pictures of the school!</insert></p>

<p>You should use good common sense about how you appear online (and in real life!) and you should most definitely use your privacy settings to protect yourself. But the reality is that colleges for the most part have much much better things to do than spend money hiring expensive adcoms to sit at a computer looking up your facebook pages. Not to mention, would you want to go to a school that would be seeking incriminating evidence from your social life? a</p>