question about FIGS and A&O

<p>"Autumn Quarter '06 begins on September 27, 2006. Summer Advising and Orientation sessions are offered from mid-June until the end of September. Admitted students will be able to register for a session online by Friday, April 21st, 2006. "</p>

<p>what is Summer Advising and Orientation sessions? what do we do there? is it required for all freshmans? plus, what is FIGS exactly? i checked their website but i'm sitll isn't exactly clear about it. </p>

<p>here's the website:
<a href=""&gt;;/a>
<a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>can someone walk us through with this? i bet i'm not the only one questioning this. thanks alot for answering my questions.</p>

<p>From my understanding...</p>

<p>A&O: Its required for all freshmen. You stay on campus for two days and you register for your classes, get your ID, meet your counselor, and get to know the campus.</p>

<p>FIGS: "Freshmen interest groups". You take 3-4 classes with the same people interested in the same major as you. It gives you a core group of friends right off the bat who you know and can study with in your LARGE classes. Only bad this is you have to take ALL the classes in that particular fig.</p>

<p>Anyone acutal UW student have any input whoes been through it?</p>

<p>so is it something worth while?</p>

<p>I'd still say do a FIG. Your FIG leader is kind of like your own personal advisor...they are there to help you get adjusted to U Dub. And you might want to consider becoming a FIG leader yourself later definitely looks great on your resume and when applying to grad schools....shows leadership. </p>

<p>FIGs are one way to make new friends but not the only way of course. There are tons of student organizations. If you live in the dorms, the RAs do try to organize activities, although participation can be quite apathetic at times. Once you get into your major you will meet even more people because you will take many of the same classes and be involved in the same student organizations. Example: I was an Accounting major and alot of the people I had the same classes with were also involved with Beta Alpha Psi, the accounting fraternity.</p>

<p>baboking </p>

<p>Is the 2-credit class taught by the fig leader boring, easy, hard, beneficial, etc?</p>

<p>The FIG seminar is not alot of work. Lots of discussions during class. You do have to show up for these huge FIG meetings at Hec Ed, which are mandatory (at least that's what we did when I did the FIG thing). Overall I would say it's easy and beneficial. The class is only for credit/no credit.</p>

<p>Try to sign up for your A&O as early as possible. Popular classes do fill up quickly and you are already at a disadvantage coming in as a freshman.</p>

<p>Some sections are reserved for FIGs so there is an advantage if you can find a suitable FIG.</p>