<p>I currently go to UCLA, and money has been tight.</p>
<p>So I don't know how financial aid works for other schools,
but for UCLA we get what our aid package is before fall quarter,
and then we choose what to accept and reject.</p>
<p>So for this year, I just accepted work study, and the grants.
Then I rejected all of the loans like perkins and the direct subsidized and parent plus.</p>
<p>I was wondering if anyone knows, since the ucla financial aid office is closed right now, if I can change what I had accepted, and accept some of the loans I had rejected.</p>
<p>It would be greatly appreciated!</p>
<p>You should have no problem with the Stafford loans and the Parent Plus loan. The Perkins (which has better terms) will likely be gone since those are quite limited and colleges allocate them until the funds are used up… which usually happens pretty early at the beginning of the fall term.</p>
<p>Actually the subsidized Stafford currently has a better interest rate than the Perkins. (4.5% for sub stafford vs 5% for perkins).</p>
<p>You should have no problem getting the Stafford loans and parent PLUS loans. The perkins is probably off the table. It is a campus based aid and therefor has limited funding, and they probably re-awarded it to someone else after you turned it down.</p>