Question about formula/constants sheets in Physics and Chemistry

<p>I'm confused about when we can use them... I used to think we can use them for only FR, but then I heard we can use the constants sheets for MC? Please clarify for both subjects. Thanks! :)</p>

<p>I’m not sure, but when I used the formula sheets they were pretty useless.</p>

<p>No formula for MC, just a table of constants for physics and the periodic table for chemistry. Formula sheets are only used in FRQ section in both physics and chemistry.</p>

<p>Which formulas are on the formula sheet?</p>

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<p>go to chemistry, it will show you the formula sheet!</p>

<p>Can you use the constants sheet and periodic table on FR?</p>

<p>I guess this seems really obvious to most people, but I just want to make sure… :)</p>

<p>I don’t remember about constants. The periodic table is always available.</p>