Question about giving GPA for schoalrship...

<p>I'd like to apply for a scholarship and it asks for GPA on a 4.0 scale. Silly question, but that means unweighted, correct? Because I remember GCs at my school trying to tell us that our GPAs are on a 4.0 scale... even though they can go above it.</p>

<p>Anyways, I asked my GC for my unweighted GPA... and it's 4.1. I don't want to put 4.1 and have them think that I'm giving a weighted GPA... but that's what my GPA is, I guess. Will they understand? I know, I really probably don't have any reason to freak about this, lol.</p>

<p>Thanks :)</p>

<p>there’s no way ur uw gpa can go beyond 4.0 … or am i missing out on something??</p>

<p>Your school might count A+'s as above a 4.0. Try asking your guidance counselor to calculate it with A+'s being a 4.0 if that’s the case. Or you could do it yourself, whichever.</p>

<p>Yeah, my GC said A+'s are always above 4.0. I think I’m going to just put 4.0 for the GPA portion. Thanks so much for your responses!</p>