question about GSP airport?

<p>Usually I get a friend to drive me to and from the GSP airport and I give him like 20 dollars in gas. However, I'm arriving at the airport at 1 am at night/early morning and I don't want to ask my friends to come pick me up because it must be an inconvenience.
Anyone know if there are cabs at the GSP that operate late at Night.
I know they are expensive but I have no options, I just want to know that I can get to Clemson without having to call anybody.</p>


<p>There are several private shuttle services that run from Clemson to GSP:</p>

<p>Airport Shuttle of Clemson 800-669-6463 - <a href=“”></a>
Anderson-Clemson Shuttle Services 888-732-5500 - <a href=“”></a>
Larry Andrews Airport Services 864-653-5677 - <a href=“”></a></p>

<p>You might need to give them a few days notice if you’re at a weird hour so give them a call in advance!</p>