question about honors recommendation

<p>i am applying to engineering honors and have two teachers who wrote amazing recommendations (one math teacher and one physics). they both wrote my recommendation about different topics (the physics teacher wrote about my involvement in school, such as peer tutoring, and my skills in physics. he's known me longer. and my math teacher wrote about my curiosity in math and skills in it and about my personality - i got to read his and it was really really good). so both the teachers talk about good but different things and therefore i want to send both the recommendations. the instructions are unclear and ambiguous for the honors program. does anybody know if i can send more than one letters of recommendation for the honors?</p>

<p>you don’t send any recs for engineering honors, you type in ONE of your teacher’s name and e-mail, and the ONE teacher submits it electronically.</p>

<p>Yea you only send one recommendation by inputting a teachers email. UT will then send them an email and they will have to submit it online.</p>