<p>Okay so I'm kind of confused... is there no place for me to tell what the activity is? I see that there is activity type, but no place to make it more specific. For example, if I'm trying to write list a community service club, is there no way for me to say the name of that club? How do I differentiate it from different types of community service?</p>
<p>also what do PG FY SO and JR mean?</p>
<p>I think you can use additional info section to specify such things.Oops where did these abbreviations appear?</p>
<p>I think PG stands for post-graduate, FY freshman, SO sophomore? So maybe that refers to college years. Is the Common App used by transfer students who are already in college?</p>
<p>they appear on the list of what years you participated in. so it looks like this:</p>
<p>shouldn’t be PG like this?
PG; Parental Guidance lol</p>
<p>try additional info or description part in activities.</p>