question about math teacher

<p>My S asked to post this</p>

<p>He has been assigned Frank Quinn for Math 1206 fall semester
He has an option to switch to Lucy Hanks (not so convenient time but do-able)
or Guerra- Huamann (convenient time)
Agud -no convenient time for him so cant have her</p>

<p>He read on teacher rating sights that Quinn is to be avoided. What is your opinion as students?</p>


<p>My son’s advice: FLEE. Either option would be preferable to Quinn (DS was stuck in his class with no other option and was miserable, but survived).</p>

<p>I’ve heard good things about Agud; a friend took her 1206 and multi classes and I believe he got As in both. He’s definitely an above-average worker, though, and had an honors-level GPA at least for his first three semesters.</p>

<p>I had hanks for multi, and she wasn’t too bad; reminds me of every grandma ever :slight_smile: . Any teacher is going to struggle with a huge class of freshmen/sophomores.</p>

<p>If your son is sincerely the type of person who will go to office hours to ask questions, he’ll be fine with either teacher. I went to Hanks’s office hours often and there was rarely anybody there, fortunately for me. She has good pacing in class and doesn’t just throw slides up.</p>

<p>too funny Hokiesfan… he did flee and switched to Prof. Hanks.
Agud’s classes are full at this time.</p>

<p>Thanks for the info</p>