<p>Hey everybody, I was wondering if specialty rankings mean anything when applying to law schools? Of course it depends on the person, but what if I don't know the difference between the University of Vermont's law program which is ranked #1 in env. law and Berkeley's env. law program? Is there more to gain in picking schools that specialize in a certain field our interest or pursue the general law program? Is Univ. of Vermont even ranked besides the env. law ranking???</p>
<p>Bump! Come on people help me out!</p>
<p>The advice I've heard is to not become too seduced by the specialty rankings. Generally, there's a decent chance that you'll change your mind about your focus, and regional schools aren't going to trump national schools except in very limited circumstances. It's also harder to get out of the region when you're not going to a national school. </p>
<p>If all other things are equal and you're choosing between sister schools, go with the one with the specialty, esp. if you are absolutely certain that you want to work in that area. For example, if you're choosing between Cardozo and Brooklyn for IP, you'ld be nuts not to go to C. </p>
<p>Also note that some specialty rankings closely mirror the US News rankings. Corporate law is one of those areas.</p>
<p>Thanks that cleared up alot of things</p>