question about the act

<p>Hey guys i'm debating whether i should take the act or the sat...and i was wondering if colleges only care about the math and reading comp on the sat or do they count the science portion (my worst section) at the same level? ur answers would be appreciated...thanks</p>

<p>If you take the ACT, they're gonna count the science portion as well. So either learn that part really well (I've heard it's all graphs anyway, so it can't be that hard to learn) or take the SATs.</p>

<p>It depends on what part of the country you're from though. Most schools on the coasts accept mainly SATs, whereas schools in the midwest, and the middle of the country prefer ACTs.</p>

<p>Tapioca, what you said about coast schools isn't true at all. Every single school I applied to (The UCs, USC, Northwestern, NYU, BU) accepted my ACT and SAT score. They look at the better of the 2...which for me, was the ACT.</p>