Question about the Major Concentration

<p>Hey, just got back from a visit to McGill. I wanted to do the Join Honors in Economics and Finance. Does anybody have any insider info on that?</p>

<p>I think it's weird that at UofT you get your BA Honours after 4 years, while you need to take extra demanding courses at McGill to get the same degree. I was kind of confused about that. Comments?</p>

<p>ok 2 things...can the ppl who do ib diploma plz post ur stats and second </p>

<p>ok can someone in the faculty of managment plz exaplain how it works....u can esaily change ur program..</p>

<p>1) can u change into honors program easily if u applied for something else......
2) are u free to do single or double majors in any of the subjects they offer (economicas, finance etc) i.e. can u make ur own combos...i kno u cant for the honors program...they have a few fixed ones.
3) in year 1 we just do electives (from any faculty)
in year 2 we do core couses and start foucusing on our majors/minors
year 3 and the majors we choose...((((is this correct)))
4) What is the differnce between a honors progmram in finance and econ and a double major in finance and econ..</p>

<p>thanks for the help guys</p>