I recieved a D in the first semester of AP Physics 1 and then a C in the second semester. I’m aware that one of the UC admission requirements is that you can’t have a grade lower than a C in any of your ‘A-G’ courses, and I’m pretty sure AP Physics 1 falls in that category. I looked at the validation policy for UC and my course would be validated but the website only states that this applies to Mathematics and LOTE (lang other than english) courses. So here are my questions…
Can I even apply to UC’s now (my UC GPA is actually pretty good a 4.23 fully weighted and 3.81 capped with this class included in calculations)?
If not, how do I validate this class (got a 780 on Physics subj. test though and I received an A for both semesters in AP Physics 2 Junior year… took phys 1 and sophomore year lets just say stuff happened outside of school :/)?
What do I do!!! Pls help me solve this dilemma!