Question about using CB fee waivers

<p>I don't think I will be able to obtain a fee waiver from my counselor before Jan 1st. Will the university accept them postmarked after the deadline even if I state on CommonApp that I will paying through a fee waiver?</p>

<p>Here's an email response from Stanford:</p>

<p>"Deadline: The Common Application, Stanford Supplement, and application
fee (or fee waiver request) must be submitted online no later than
11:59 PM Pacific Time, January 1, 2009. Please note that after you
have successfully submitted your application, the submission date/time
used by The Common Application will be Eastern Time, three hours later
than Pacific Time."</p>

<p>Thanks! Good luck to all applying there :)</p>

<p>bump. i has no monies.</p>

<p>I hate to tell you: but I think you’re out of luck. Maybe you can just pay for the application now, and then send in the waiver after and they might refund the money. Who knows? All I can say is that by the deadline you need to pay, so it’s best just to be safe and pay yourself without the waiver.</p>