Question about visa

Hello everyone, I will be going to the US as a sophomore for a boarding school. However, I am an international student so I require a F1-visa to study in the US, but because of the COVID-19, all the embassies are closed. What am I supposed to do now? Could I even go to the US anymore?

I think it is possible for you to get the visa… but it may take longer to get the visa.

I suggest that you contact the school and see if they have any advice; you are not the only one in this situation.

Have the school work with you. They have people dedicated to this.

Yes, many of the embassies stopped processing visas. It isn’t happening slowly. It’s happening not at all. And at least in China, they had a delay of about a month in early Jan, so the backlog must be enormous.

But there is time! I suspect that with the help of your school, this will happen. Hopefully in a month or so, things will begin to return to normal.

Can you go to an embassy in another nearby country? They will probably start processing visas again soon, probably after the president lifts the travel ban.

^^ At least with certain types of visas, you need to be in your home country. So investigate this one carefully.

IMO you really should be making a strong plan B, what country are you in?