<p>Negative numbers are less than positive numbers, and “more negative” numbers are “less than” other negative numbers. In your example, -10 is less than -6. Don’t pay attention to how close to zero they are, that will rarely (if ever) be relevant.</p>
<p>If you have $10 to your name, then you have more money than if you had $6 to your name. If you have -$10 to your name (you are in debt), then you have LESS money than if you had -$6 to your name.</p>
<p>It is crucial to understand this, lest you think, for example, that the expression -1<x<1 means x<1.</p>
<p>Also, you might want to consider what happens when you multiply both sides of -10>-6 by -1. That would give you 10<6 (the arrow switches “directions” when you change signs), which is obviously incorrect.</p>
<p>Ya I get it, I was thinking of different terminology I was using in the past relating to another application.</p>
<p>I mixed up terminology from another thing I used to do in algebra, don’t be a ******. Simplest example I can think of is vector magnitude where negatives only confer a directionality within coordinates. vector (0, -10) is larger than (0, -5). See what I mean?</p>
<p>when you talk about about magnitude, it’s the same thing as absoluate value. Vector is tottaly different from the scalar. Once again it’s first grade math.</p>