Question (Chances-type thing)

<p>A friend of mine (now a sophomore in college) told me that Vandy loves kids from the North, particularly on the East Coast. He was invited on a 3-day campus visit to Vandy (fully paid by the university) and also offered a full scholarship there. He turned it down for Penn, but he said the school was still great. As you can imagine, he was an extremely strong candidate (in my opinion), and I'm assuming his SATs were 1500+ and his ECs were definitely unique.</p>

<p>With that said, what are the chances for a weaker (Asian) candidate from New England? Am I considered an URM at Vandy? Any insight would be most helpful! (I will post stats if necessary later)</p>

<p>yeah i was actually wondering the same thing, my stats are pretty low, im def. below average for vandy, but i hav a lot of hooks =_= i mean i kno my chances are low to begin wtih, but the % of asian people is pretty low.
ahh =(</p>

<p>I'll post my stats up, in case that can help anyone bring some new insight. By the way, how much emphasis does Vandy put on the essays?</p>

<p>GPA: 4.35 out of 4.6 (weighted)
Rank: 22 out of 650
SAT I: 650CR/750M/710W
SAT II: 760 Chem/710 Math 2
ECs: Varsity Tennis & small clubs
Recs: Should be good (one is from my physics teacher and the other is from my math teacher--also my tennis coach--is that a bad idea? Math teachers are so boring.. opinions?)</p>

<p>Are Asians considered an URM? Or do they just not accept many Asians? What's the deal?</p>

<p>Thanks for your time!</p>

<p>ah you have good stats for vandy. man i feel like a loser lol</p>