Question for CS students who just completed their freshman year

<p>What laptop and/or tablet did you buy? I already have a laptop that exceeds the specs. I know as a CS major I will only really use a tablet my freshman year. So can I "get away" with a USB tablet discussed on some other boards? </p>

<p>I assume that the other boards said yes you can get away with it? Son #1 CS major used an external bamboo tablet with stylus. He spent some time calibrating the pen and practicing writing on the screen (since you don’t write directly on your laptop screen). He had no problems and really preferred having the extra power of his preferred laptop. There was only one time he couldn’t do something but it was on a group project and he just input the information on a friends tablet. Son #2 got one of the tablets recommended by VT. Also a CS major but he didn’t spend as much time calibrating the pen. Although he wrote directly on the tablet screen he thought it was a PITA. In hindsight he wanted the better laptop + external bamboo tablet. I don’t know whether that would work for all people though. I think you need to invest some time in the external option. </p>

<p>Thank you so much for your feedback! I think we’re going with the ASUS tablet which is listed under “acceptable devices”</p>