question for people with work study jobs at a library

<p>Hey guys, so I'm going to try to get a work study job at the library soon, and i was wondering if you could fill me in on a few things. On the application, it mentions Job Numbers... What are those and where can i find them? Also, I understand you have to go in for an interview of sorts after turning in your app (assuming they have spots open)... What's this like? Will I need a resume? Any info will be appreciated. </p>

<p>Thanks :)</p>


<p>[Work-Study</a> Office - Students’ Frequently Asked Questions](<a href=“]Work-Study”></p>

<p>I think the job number would be the three-digit number that corresponds with each job posting. Go to [studentjobs</a> | Main / HomePage](<a href=“]studentjobs”>Wrong shelf. | UC Berkeley Library) and you can see that currently, there is one job, #270. Usually there are multiple job listings and you can apply to like three jobs in one application (so put the three job numbers in that case).</p>

<p>So fill out the app (it’s only one or two pages) with the job number(s) you want to apply for and see Judy Deliramich in Doe Library. Give her the application. She’ll look at your work-study funds and print out a summary sheet, and then schedule you for your interview at a time and place. You go to the interview, and after a few days she will email you with your status. I was offered a job at a library but turned it down.</p>