<p>i was thinking of using my intellectual vitality essay as my columbia one?</p>
<p>should/could i?</p>
<p>i was thinking of using my intellectual vitality essay as my columbia one?</p>
<p>should/could i?</p>
<p>wouldn’t it be WAYY too short?</p>
<p>I am going to guess that your intellectual vitality essay is too long for the Why Columbia essay. If I remember correctly, you can type up 3-4 sentences if your lucky for the Why Columbia essay (and pretty much every other essay except for the main one).</p>
<p>Write an essay which conveys to the reader a sense of who you are. Possible topics may include, but are not limited to, experiences which have shaped your life, the circumstances of your upbringing, your most meaningful intellectual achievement, the way you see the world - the people in it, events great and small, everyday life - or any personal theme which appeals to your imagination. Please remember that we are concerned not only with the substance of your prose but with your writing style as well. We prefer that you limit yourself to approximately 250-500 words (or 1-2 pages).</p>
<p>That one…</p>
<p>where do you guys see this Why Columbia essay? I dont see it at all</p>
<p>^it’s not really an essay. </p>
<p>its just like a short 600 char blurb on the “Interests” page.</p>
<p>“Please tell us what you find most appealing about Columbia and why:”</p>
<p>and then for Fu Applicants:
“For applicants to The Fu Foundation School of Engineering and Applied Science, please tell us what attracts you specifically to the study of engineering:”</p>
<p>would be below it.</p>
<p>my common app essay is PERFECT for Columbia’s long essay. however, it’s 250+ words over the recommended limit of 250-500 words. i didn’t waste time cutting it down, though, because i haven’t finished Stanford yet and i’m running out of time.</p>
<p>do u think i can put my IV for that personal essay?</p>
<p>and howd u do ur common app one?</p>
<p>Didn’t think those two schools had so much overlap in interest. But then again they were my top two choices.</p>
<p>I think the intellectual vitality topic can be carried over but that you need to beef it up and restructure it. My $0.02</p>
<p>example of beefing up? =)
I wrote mine about my interest in biology and how SSA affected it </p>
<p>It was 300 words.</p>