Question involving the ACT and a scholarship

<p>I'm taking the February 7th ACT, and the priority deadline for the scholarship is February 16th. I got a 30 the first time I took the ACT. Where it asks for the score, it's like "ACT score (if results are available) _______ Test Date or Scheduled Test Date _______</p>

<p>Should I put down the 30 score and put down Dec. 2008, and see if I'm still able to send my February scores, or should just put Feb 2009 down and really, really hope I don't do worse?</p>

<p>Put down the December date and score and then put down that you are taking it in February. It doesn’t hurt at all. My son took the ACT three times and sent them all to his college. I think they used the best combined score for accepting him and the best individual scores in subjects for placement in classes.</p>

<p>Is there enough room on the scholarship app to put down that you are retaking it in Feb?</p>