Question on High School Schedule

I have a question about my son’s Jr year schedule and would appreciate the collective wisdom of CC.

He attends a large CA high school that offers quite a few AP and honors courses but limits access to the courses. As a sophomore, he was wait-listed for AP English and AP Euro. A slot opened up in the second week of school for English but, we declined to move him because, due to significant summer reading/writing assignments.he’d have behind from the get go.

He earned a 3.65 with no AP/honors last year - earning A+ both semesters in regular English and World History courses. Nonetheless, this year he was again wait listed for APUSH and English. School started yesterday.- he was placed in the non-AP classes with no word on AP availability.

He is a really bright kid with a strong work ethic and solid EC resume (Eagle Scout, Jazz Band, Marching Band, Mtn Bike team and a part time job @ a local bike shop thus far). At this point, he says he’s interested in attending UCSC or UCSB. He gets that UCSB is a stretch and he’ll need to improve a bit this year and post a solid SAT to pull off Santa Cruz.

His class schedule this year is Trig, Spanish 3, English 11, Physics, History 11 and Jazz Band

I let him pick and drive his schedule but, am tempted to contact the school an intervene. At this point, would one AP course make a difference for UC admission?

Thanks in advance for your input.

Im from CA too. i go to a medium sized semicompetitive school! if you can’t take APs, try and aim for as many UC approved courses but any AP is better than none! keep in mind that UC admission boards compare applicants per high school. if his stats are sub-par to those of the kids in his class, it will be tough. solid ECs and a solid SAT/ACT score always seem to boost an application. goodluck!!

Great feedback @ jcswift13 - thanks.

@NCalRent: I would have no qualms about intervening in trying to get your son into some of those AP classes. My younger son was waitlisted on 3 out 5 AP classes his Senior year. I talked to the vice principal in charge of scheduling to try and work out some other arrangements such as taking the courses at the other HS in the district or taking a CC class instead. Miraculously a few weeks later I get a call that several students had dropped out or changed their mind and he got into all 5 classes, so I believe sometimes it pays to be a squeaky wheel.

Thanks @gumbymom I’ll follow up with the school and squeak a bit.