Question on Housing

<p>So my DS filled out all of the housing registration and he did not see anywhere where you can put a preference for suite style or corridor style.</p>

<p>is there a way to make that known? He had to list the order of preference for residence halls and he put the 1st 2 as the suite only residence halls (I know the first one is mountain view). then he put CIW because it has both and then finally the other 2 that are corridor only.</p>

<p>Besides this, is there a way he can have known that he really prefers suite style? or does it really just get ramdomly picked</p>

<p>No, there’s no way to guarantee a suite if you get put in a building with both suites and corridors. Good luck to him!</p>

<p>Actually, if you have suitemates picked out you can email reslife with a request for a suite and where and with what people. The email is <a href=“”></a></p>