Question on SAT

I’ve registered for two more SAT’s, Nov.6 and Dec. 4. Now, what happens if I take the one on Nov.6, get a score I’m happy with and don’t want to take it on Dec. 4? If I just don’t show up, take the thirty dollar hit, will colleges see that I didn’t show up? But, what if I do take it again in December and do worse? Will that hurt me?

<p>You have the choice of going and then cancelling after you take it. Or you can probably just not take it and CB will cancel it automatically because you did not show up (I am not sure about that one.). If a college sees a 200 on an app with other much better scores they will know something is wrong, don't worry about that.</p>

<p>Why would you register before you even get your Nov. scores? It's not like there won't be enough space for you to take it.</p>

<p>$20 late admission fee is why I registered before I got the Nov. score.</p>