
<p>I got in Undecided for Fall 09 but I want to go ahead and change my major to Business, or at least apply to get it changed into Smeal. I already paid my money and accepted by admission. How do I go about doing this?</p>

<p>Just wait till you go up for your FTCAP session this summer. Its a pretty long and drawn out day where they go over classes etc and you get to schedule at the end of the day. Before all of this begins you have 1:1 's with a career counselor who asks if you want to change majors. You can do so then and go meet the business reps when you go and schedule.</p>

<p>Awesome. Thanks alot CW</p>

<p>You should call admissions and ask them to re-evaluate you for Smeal. Admissions for Smeal are tougher than DUS–I don’t think you can just “switch” to Smeal.</p>

<p>No, you do not have to do that. Your not actually a major in Smeal until you apply for it going into your junior year (decisions based off of college GPA). Your applying now as an intended business major and I believe they just keep that in mind when predicting class sizes etc in each of the majors, seeing that the OP get into DUS they are qualified enough for the majors at UP and if you decide on Smeal now you can just switch it at your FTCAP</p>