<p>I am going to be a freshman at Boston University College of Arts and Sciences, but due to an issue with my financial aid package, I have had to defer my admission for a semester.
My concern is that I’m not sure what my experience is going to be like starting in the middle of my freshman year verses starting the first semester. Will there be an orientation? Will there be dorm space left in the freshman buildings and if so, will I be placed with another student beginning the second semester or no? I already had submitted my dorm request form online, but I don’t know if it’s still valid since I deferred.
Also, do you think it’s going to be more difficult making friends or all in all adjusting to the college because I’m starting second semester?
I’m really excited to start at B.U. and I know that I will have a wonderful academic experience. I guess it’s silly, but I just hope that my social experience will be great as well even though I’m starting later than everyone else.</p>
<p>I am very sorry to hear about that. I hope everything turns out OK.
I can’t answer about the specific questions in regards to orientation and rooming. But I can tell you one thing and that is everything will be fine. It’s all about your attitude. If you are friendly and outgoing, people will stick to you and you will be blessed with good people around you. I know people who transferred here their 3rd year and still made good friends. I am sure one semester won’t leave you alone in college. In BU, that’s impossible. There are so many people here! So in the meantime, I wish you well and hope that your financial aid problem gets solved soon. Go BU!</p>