Questions about housing application

At the NU Housing website, the board (Rates:</a> Northwestern University) costs differently and have different plans from the NUCuisine website (WildCat</a> Weekly Plans, Plans, nuCuisine - Dining Services, Northwestern University). I am quite befuddled.</p>

On the Housing FAQ (FAQs:</a> Northwestern University), it says that I can select whether I prefer a single or a triple if I did not want to get a double. However, on the housing app, there is no such question.</p>

Roommate questionnaire made very little sense. Questions like "Indifference to cleanliness?" and "Object to smoking?" is quite unclear as to whether I'm indifferent to cleanliness or whether my roommate is indifferent to cleanliness.</p>

For Bobb/McColloch, what's a 'Connection Double' or 'Connection Triple'?</p>

<p>Q1 - The meal plans are changing for next year. NU Cuisine’s site is for students this year to refer to; look to the housing website for your information!</p>

<p>Q2 - Is there a question about wanting a single if there is one available? That may be the option you are referring to. However, as a freshman, most people end up in doubles no matter what they put down, unless you end up in a dorm with less upperclassmen turnover (e.g., my dorm actually has a good handful of singles open for next year, as the returning upperclassmen either opted for doubles or simply gravitated to the same suites, leaving whole suites open with multiple singles).</p>

<p>Q3 - When we did the questionnaire, there was a section for “Me” and for “Roommate”. Did this change? I seem to recall having to answer the questions twice, one for how I felt and one for how I wanted my roomie to feel, but maybe I’m crazy…</p>

<p>And I can’t help with Q4, as I live down south =P. Hope some of this helps.</p>

<p>i have a question as well-- on the housing application, it lets me select my building preferences, but there is also a column titled “room type” and i cant find where you go to request room types. any idea? thanks!</p>

<p>Connection doubles and triples are between the two buildings and are generally larger.</p>

<p>@burrito3: That’s the same problem I have as well.</p>