<p>I'm new to the idea of attending a service academy, but I pretty much need to go to college for free, and that eliminates the idea of prestige in most cases, and I do value the idea of being able to say I want to Prestigious College X.</p>
<p>This is not the only reason I'm considering the service academies, it is one of many. I have a lot of questions regarding the academies and I was hoping to get some ideas and figure out which ones to consider more highly.</p>
<p>Some background information:</p>
<p>I'm a decent student, started high school off in a rather lazy fashion but I'm picking it up, and those pure IQ points got me through with more As than Bs for sure, and never a C or lower in my life.</p>
<p>I'm athletic to some degree, just haven't really found a sport I love. When I played sports simply for fun in my earlier life, I was always the quarterback, pitcher, lead position of whatever sport. I jsut didn't really get into anything that much, so I'm naturally athletic but not really captivated by sports.</p>
<p>I come from a family that is not so well off, so I need a place to go to college for free, and still gain respect, and I don't mind serving my country for at least a few years afterwards. So this is why I'm considering the service academies.</p>
<p>I figure I should list some of my specific talents, both academic and not, because I would like to known which service academies would serve me best. I'm artistically skilled, but I also have a great aptitude for mathematics, I'm the only one in my sad school district that has ever been skipped a grade in math, school policies are harshly against such actions but they had to do it for me. I also have basic computer science skills that I'm interested in improving. I'm also very interested in the stock market, and I have a good eye for the right stocks, definite aptitude in business, at least for a high school student.</p>
<p>My final ambition is to go to medical school. I think that going to a service academy before medical school, and serving in the military while learning medicine would greatly benefit me. How much worse can a person get than after they get nailed with a machine gun, or maimed by a mine. I want to help those people, and I think it would be a great learning experience.</p>
<p>I'm expecting high SAT scores, and like I said, my GPA is definitely not perfect but I've had a hard time outside of school, and a traumatic experience plus a move in the middle of high school hurt my grades. I realize this doesn't mean my 3.6 or so will be readjusted to a 4.0, but I didn't get a 3.6 entirely from being lazy, only partially.</p>
<p>Anyway, which service academies would best suit me? What are the service academies looking for? What if I'm not a varsity quarter back, and have never ran on the track team?</p>