Hello! Excited member of Pton class of 2021!! More than excited to become a member of my next big college family 
As a graduating senior entering Pton, I do have questions about transferring AP Credits. I am aware of which credits are accepted and what classes I’d be able to opt out of; instead I’m worried about the actual placement into a course. Going into COS, I have credits that I can use to opt out of classes like Chem, Calc BC, Macro etc. Despite achieving the scores that lets Pton allow me to take higher level classes, what is the actual benefit of doing so? Given that it will be a couple of months, even years, that I’ve taken a certain course, I certainly do not want to skip a course I may not be familiar with (due to long time away from subject).
On one hand I can take higher level classes, but at the risk of not having hands on experience with a topic in years,
On the other, I can be taking introductory level classes and be placed behind most of my fellow students.
What do you guys, current students and alum, think about this? I wouldn’t want to overwhelm my first experience at Pton with higher level courses, but at the same time I wouldn’t want to feel as if im trailing behind the rest of my graduating class.
Thank you,
Nervous, but mostly excited, pre-frosh!
Well I’m sure you’ll get great advising later on that will answer all these question but I know how you feel as my D has poured through the catalog and wondered about math placement in particular. You could ask specific questions on Real Talk Princeton (Google it).
Do you have an intended Concentration?
@labeezy since you are going for COS, yes you should place out of the AP courses, especially Chem. If you are rusty with your Econ or Calc, just brush up over summer.
POS of skipping ahead
More interesting classes, sooner
Classes like physics / ChemE require time consuming labs
Skipping ahead means more flexibility with later classes, making it easier to earn more certificates.
More classes with sophomores, making friends with older kids = easier bicker if you want a non-sign in. Eating Club.
NEGS of skipping ahead
If you don’t remember material, you need to review more before classes
Skipping to higher level classes could hurt your GPA til you calibrate to Princeton rigor.
Some higher level classes are filled by the time freshmen register (last group register classes)
My son (Class of 2020) skipped everything and doesn’t regret it, except that he has 3.5 GPA, which we wish was a 3.75. He says retaking basic ChemE or physics would have been a waste.
Totally agree you should visit real-talk Princeton (a tumblr blog) for better info!