<p>I’m writing a paper on drugs and alcohol in the military context and would love to hear from some people who might have personal experience. I will be forever in your debt!!!</p>
<p>My questions are…</p>
<li><p>I know if you are enlisting in the army, navy, etc and you fail the drug/alcohol test with alcohol or marijuana, you can retest in 45 days. If you fail the medical exam for west point, can you retest or are you disqualified permanently?</p></li>
<li><p>What is the policy of alcohol/drug use at West Point (for 21+ years old as well as underage)? What are the consequences of alcohol/drug use?</p></li>
<li><p>Are there resources for students who develop drug and alcohol problems?</p></li>
<li><p>What is the drug/alcohol testing policy?</p></li>
<p>As far as the alcohol/drug use here, there is zero drug tolerance. Drug usage is punishable not only by West Point’s regs, but also by the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ). Bottom line.</p>
<p>Alcohol use is restricted in several ways, and this is just an overview of the rules. Alcohol may never be consumed off-post while in uniform. Alcohol may not be consumed while on duty or up to eight hours beforehand. It may not be kept in, taken into, or consumed in the barracks. The lower two classes may not drink at all on post or within a set area outside the post (this essentially means that they cannot drink unless they are on leave). The upper two classes have designated clubs that they may drink at, and they can also drink at certain authorized events, so long as no other duty restrictions are violated. And of course, underage drinking is illegal.</p>
<p>These and other rules are set in place to provide a setting in which cadets can learn to socially drink with responsibility, and to keep cadets as safe as possible while drinking. When rules are broken, there are serious consequences. Cadets are always under USMA regs and the UCMJ, and are subject to local and state laws as well. You can Google the UCMJ to find its alcohol policies. Consequences as enforced by the USMA regs are varied but typically result in restrictions of privileges and/or walking hours (punishment in which cadets walk back and forth for hours across one of the areas between the barracks). Separation from the Academy is also potential, especially for repeat offenses.</p>
<p>Drug testing is done at random times and selections of units.</p>