Questions about Zip Car availability?

<p>I was thinking about signing my son up for zipcar. Does anyone know if the cars are readily available? I did a search and found that some of you have signed up, but I was wondering how it works as far as getting the car. Do you just stroll over to Paty and hope there is a car for you or can you reserve one in advance? I’m not thinking for anything in particular, just wondering since my son seems to want to go places and can’t always hitch a ride.</p>

<p>I think the idea is great just was wondering if it works as well as it should. Thanks.</p>

<p>You have to reserve them on-line (in fact you can’t just stroll over and pick one up). If you have a reservation the system lets you into the car with your Zipcar card - if you don’t have a reservation it wouldn’t let you in. My daughter has used them quite a bit and she can usually get one. There are 3 on campus so you might not get the one nearest you. One is by Paty Hall, one is by the Bus Transit Center and one is by Tut (and they are different cars including a Ford Focus, Toyota Prius and a Scion XB). If you know you want one it is best to reserve it as far in advance as possible. Although she has gotten on the same day for spur of the moment things but you can’t count on that. Also, it takes a little over a week to get signed up, cleared through their system and to receive your Zipcard in the mail so plan ahead for that.</p>

<p>* There are 3 on campus so you might not get the one nearest you. One is by Paty Hall, one is by the Bus Transit Center and one is by Tut (and they are different cars including a Ford Focus, Toyota Prius and a Scion XB).*</p>

<p>There were Zipcars between Rose Towers and Riverside North. Are those not there anymore?</p>

<p>I walk by Paty everyday, and the ZipCar is there 85% of the time. So it is readily available.</p>

<p>Thanks for the replies. I knew that you could reserve online, I guess I was wondering how available they were. I did look at the link from the Bama website and saw they had three cars (with descriptions). I guess I was thinking with only three cars (could that be right ?) and all those kids, they would be hard to get. I guess most people don’t use them. We are OOS and he doesn’t have a car so I thought this might be a nice option for an occassional ride somewhere.</p>

<p>My son is in the band and will probably have to come back early from winter break for the football game. I was thinking it would be nice for him to have acccess to a car since most things if not all on campus will be shut down. Now to figure out a place for him to stay since his dorm will be closed.</p>

<p>Thanks again for the help.</p>

<p>hokiefan, their will likely be many other students in your son’s position, so the Million dollar band has likely already made arrangements. If they haven’t, UA Housing has a few extra spaces in a dorm that is open over winter break, likely Rose Towers. The minimum stay is 2-3 nights.</p>

<p>Some dorms have posters advertising $10 off the Zipcar registration fee courtesy of the Ford Motor Company.</p>

<p>Car locations:</p>

<p>2nd Street near Paty Hall
1 vehicle</p>

<p>Rose Towers at the Transit Shelter
1 vehicle</p>

<p>Tutwiler Hall
1 vehicle</p>

<p>* I guess I was thinking with only three cars (could that be right ?) and all those kids, they would be hard to get. I guess most people don’t use them. We are OOS and he doesn’t have a car so I thought this might be a nice option for an occassional ride somewhere.</p>


<p>Since reserving is done online, and usage is for short periods, kids probably just slightly alter their plans (such as going shopping at 2pm instead of 11am) if a car isn’t available. </p>

<p>If demand increases, another car could be added.</p>

<p>My son is in the band and will probably have to come back early from winter break for the football game. I was thinking it would be nice for him to have acccess to a car since most things if not all on campus will be shut down.</p>

<p>Since he’ll be back early, he probably won’t have much competition for car usage then. </p>

<p>Has he asked other band kids about where they’ll be staying?</p>

<p>Is Zip Car still around? How old does a student have to be to get a car???</p>

<p>The last two years when my D was in band and living in dorm they were able to fill out a form with band/housing and get back in their dorm early even though it was officially closed. </p>

<p>@TXArchitect‌ Yes the zip car is still there. It is parked in front of Lakeside Dining. Last year it was a Honda Insight. You have to be 18. </p>

<p>My son used them a few times last year. About half the time he used it it was last minute. He could usually get one of the cars but sometimes he had to wait an hour or so. You just sign up for the next available slot. Obviously the most popular use times was evenings and weekends. So if your son knows he might want it on the weekend go ahead and grab a slot. I think you can cancel the slot up to a period of time before with no penalty.</p>

<p>Does the student have to be insured in any way to use Zipcar (e.g., on an insurance policy as a named driver w/ their parents)?</p>

<p>^^ I wondered about this too. Here’s an article about Zipcar and insurance issues.</p>

<p><a href=“Before Driving a Zipcar, Consider Liability Insurance - The New York Times”>Before Driving a Zipcar, Consider Liability Insurance - The New York Times;

Bumping to ask a question about Zipcars. It looks like it’s too late for my son to get registered in time to use one this week, but for future reference, it sounds like you DO want to make sure your kid is on your insurance policy before he drives one. (We are able to suspend his insurance while he’s out of state at school.) It doesn’t sound like you want to rely on Zipacar’s insurance coverage for students under 21, correct?

I would call your insurance agent and ask their advice. Some insurance companies don’t classify ZipCar as a regular car rental.

Thanks, @AlbionGirl‌. We did call. It turns out he is insured (for whatever); they just lower the rates because he’s more than 250 miles from home, so the assumption is he isn’t driving as often.

That’s good to know. I hope he does well in his second co-op interview, it sounds like a great opportunity.

Thanks. Hoping he can get the transportation worked out so he can get there in time and in one piece!

Do you think the company might consider doing the interview via Skype? Other possibilities might be a ride share through Zimride (not sure if this still operates at UA), or a taxi if he could negotiate a good flat rate fare in advance.

Thank you so much for your concern! It sounds like he’s worked it out for tomorrow (a friend is helping him out). I think the company wants him to tour the plant because they told him to wear comfortable shoes, so I don’t think Skype would be an option.

He really should have signed up for Zipcar back when he applied for the co-op program, but he didn’t think that far ahead. Live and learn–this is part of growing up. So grateful he’s got good friends who have his back. Roll Tide!